Playing Models 2023, • 2/18/24 Tina Tallon - Feeling Futures: Embodying Advances in Digital Storytelling Previous Vera Bühlmann - Clocking Time in the Doubled-Scope of the Analemma Next Julian Besems - Models of Accessible Abstraction You Might Also Like Benjamin Ennemoser - Latent Manifolds Agostino Nickl - Questing the Open Expanse Igor Pantic - Architecture for the Augmented Age Philippe Morel - Artificial Intelligence Within and Beyond Architecture Julian Besems - Models of Accessible Abstraction
Playing Models 2023, • 2/18/24 Tina Tallon - Feeling Futures: Embodying Advances in Digital Storytelling Previous Vera Bühlmann - Clocking Time in the Doubled-Scope of the Analemma Next Julian Besems - Models of Accessible Abstraction You Might Also Like Benjamin Ennemoser - Latent Manifolds Agostino Nickl - Questing the Open Expanse Igor Pantic - Architecture for the Augmented Age Philippe Morel - Artificial Intelligence Within and Beyond Architecture Julian Besems - Models of Accessible Abstraction