Playing Models 2024, • 7/12/24 A Protocol for an Intelligent Environment - Karla Saldana + Zoe Ryan Next Tatxonavigting Multivariate Design Realities - Lee-Su Huang + Jimmy Cheng You Might Also Like Spolia, Data, and Charting a Relational Architecture - Andrew Witt Philippe Morel - Artificial Intelligence Within and Beyond Architecture Igor Pantic - Architecture for the Augmented Age Deep Architectural Form - Frederick Kim Laure Michelon - Mediation Layer
Playing Models 2024, • 7/12/24 A Protocol for an Intelligent Environment - Karla Saldana + Zoe Ryan Next Tatxonavigting Multivariate Design Realities - Lee-Su Huang + Jimmy Cheng You Might Also Like Spolia, Data, and Charting a Relational Architecture - Andrew Witt Philippe Morel - Artificial Intelligence Within and Beyond Architecture Igor Pantic - Architecture for the Augmented Age Deep Architectural Form - Frederick Kim Laure Michelon - Mediation Layer